Ohsho magnet related information
Ohsho magnet
- Resistance: 68.42 milli-ohm (at 20 degrees)
- Inductance: 37-41 milli-H (by simplified calculation)
- Number of turns: 192
- Diameter of coil: 1.42 m
- Length of coil: 1.8 m
- Operation voltage: 188 V
- Operation current: 2450 A
- Average field strength: 0.3 T
- Power consumption: 460 kW
- Cooling water: 220 l/min (30 degrees of water temperature increase)
- Photo of Ohsho magnet
- Drawings of Ohsho magnet (1, 2)
Power supply for Ohsho
- Maximum operating voltage: 210 V
- Maximum operating current: 3000 A
- Location: M room in AVF cyclotron facility
Power line from power supply to Ohsho
- Length: roughly 150 m
- Maximum current: 3000 A
- Voltage drop: roughly 10 V at 3000 A
- Magnetic field around the cable: roughly 1.6 Gauss at 30 cm